Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Katy Perry

Here are a few pictures from last night's Katy Perry gig. It was so wonderful and amazing to see people of all ages dancing about and enjoying themselves. I have to write a proper review on it for Viva so will post a link to that when it's published, but for now here are a few of my photos. My favourite performances were Peacock, California Girls and Hot n' Cold. (See below.) Enjoy!

Lady Chatterley's Lover

Well, I finally finished it! It's only taken me two months but I've done it! I must admit I found it difficult to get into at first, but once it got going I thoroughly enjoyed it. As previously posted, it was my new years resolution to read more 'Classics,' so I'm glad I can tick one off the list. 

When you hear the title Lady Chatterley's Lover it automatically makes the reader think of taboo and the rude parts (the book was banned for a number of years due to its explicit content) but I found that it was nothing really compared to some of the books you can buy on shelves nowadays. Of course it won't be as shocking to readers as it was when it was first published in 1928, but I found it enjoyable nonetheless.

 The compelling story of an aristocratic woman, Constance Chatterley who has an affair with her impotent and disabled husbands' gamekeeper, Oliver Mellors is one of escapism and realisation that she cannot live with the mind alone; she must also be alive physically. Connie's life with husband Clifford is physically depressing for her, but after meeting gameskeeper Mellors and embarking on a passionate affair, she realises where she truly belongs.

Connie's journey is one of maturation from a frustrated, lonely wife who isn't really allowed an opinion to a 'real' woman and a sensual being. She comes to despise her weak, ineffectual husband, and falls in love with gameskeeper Mellors, and decides that he is who she belongs with. While people argue about the meaning of the book, I feel that I must agree with academic Richard Hoggart, who believes that the subject of Lady Chatterley's Lover is not the sexual passages that were the subject of such debate but the search for integrity and wholeness. 

There are parts of it I felt were a bit long winded (mainly scenes involving Connie's husband Clifford who I took an instant dislike to) but I'm really glad I stuck it out until the end because throughout the last third of the book the pace really picks up and you just become immersed in the story and what's going to happen next.

In conclusion, it's definitely worth a read, so go read it! Or you can borrow my copy if you're lucky. ;)

Next up on my reading list is Tess of the D'urbervilles by Thomas Hardy, which I've already started... review to come soon! 

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Big 'ol Moon

So, on Twitter, Facebook and the internet in general, I've been reading that tonight's moon is the closest it's been to the earth in (I forget how many but it's A LOT) years. Just thought I'd enlighten you with the size of the moon from MY window, seeing as how everyone has been tweeting pictures of the moon from their homes. Just look at that clear Manchester air!

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Finally got a day off!

And I've cleaned my entire apartment (apart from the bathroom - that can wait until tomorrow) and so now I'm rewarding myself with a nice cup of tea. I can't reward myself with a chocolate finger because I ate the entire pack last night. Ooops! Off to town soon to run some errands, then might treat myself to a Starbucks because I have a free voucher yahoo!

Have a great day :)

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Happy Thursday!

How beautiful is this dress? Hope I win the lotto this week so I can buy it. £46, from Topshop. (Obviously.)

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Your Daily Grint

Wants Of The Week

My Topshop wants of this week are as follows...

This t-shirt, because I hope someone will take pity on me and take me on holiday.

And these dresses, so that when I'm on holiday, I will look fabulous. Priced £120, £250 and £45!


It's my day off today so I made some cupcakes using the Hummingbird Bakery recipe for vanilla cupcakes for my friend's birthday. I've not tasted them yet but they look yummy!


Last weekend I made some giant chocolate macarons with my mummy and they were DELICIOUS! Check them out!

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Wants Of The Week

Okay so here are my wants of the week! Feel free to log on and buy me any of them if you feel like it!

First up, this gorgeous pencil skirt from Topshop (£32.) This photo doesn't do it justice, it's my potential interview skirt!

Next up is this racer back vest from Topshop (£30.) Which funnily enough would look really good with the skirt. Possible interview outfit sorted? We shall see!

Lastly from Topshop is this beautiful maxi dress (£75.) Just wish I was going on holiday somewhere hot so I could have it haha! Only three wants from Topshop this week. That's pretty good for me!

Happy St David's Day!

Happy St David's day to my Welshy followers! I will be celebrating today by going to work (!) followed by a Nando's. Lovely stuff! Day off tomorrow so will do a proper post then. 

Have a great day everyone! xo