Hello loves,
I am officially back in the south for 9 days! Lovely lovely lovely. I've got so much fun stuff planned and lots of catching up with my lovely Hereford friends it's going to be so much fun (if the weather stays nice - fingers crossed.)
Panicking about hearing back from my interview. Eeeeek! Every time I get an email through on my phone my stomach flips over. But, what will be, will be. Even if I don't get this one I have a couple of other projects lined up as backup, so all will not be lost!
I am in talks with one of my friends about a girls holiday as well which would be AMAZING if I can get the pennies together. But we shall see!
Off to sort out what I'm going to wear tonight - 3 dates in one week, I must be doing something right, surely?
Love to all
F xo
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