Tuesday, 21 December 2010

A poem for you

It's not very upbeat and was written about a collection of people I used to associate with who told lies. I submitted it a few years ago so it needs tweaking. (I promise a more lively post tomorrow.)


On this bitter black night I think of you
asleep in your bed of anguish and lies.
Your lack of conscience displeases me, and to my surprise
my anger holds me there in the moment, sticking my elbows to the windowpane and forcing me to remain there as if with cruel glue.
My head throbs with memories of your inflicted pain and the way you’d just smile to soothe me, and later on you’d do it again.
I still have the scars, in mind and skin
and I know that in this game, I’m never allowed to win.
I try to wrench myself free from the pane and pain, but it seems
that your overpowering force knows no bounds.
I spit out of the window, my face burning with tears and arms chafing the wooden frame. All I can taste are your falsehoods and cheats.
I spit again
and remembering the way my throat swelled and stung from battling and bickering.
I try to escape it even now. I open my mouth but my screams and pleas
still fall upon your ignorant ears. I stumble away from the window and gasp for breath. Still trapped in your maze of barbed wire.
 You are nothing but a falsifier.

1 comment:

  1. Nice little poem there love... does is have a hint of piggy in there somewhere?

    I am keeping my fingers crossed that your dad gets home on time and that your leg heals.
    I am thankful for friends this week who have been willing to drive me about, when our car is jammed on the drive in the snow.
    Lots of kind thoughts to you because I know the poem was probably triggered by that item you found in your bag when I visited.
    Mum xx
