Saturday, 4 December 2010


I have been a very naughty updater this week. So much has gone on and I've literally not had a spare minute to update! Been working lots with a bit of drama thrown in for good measure, but tomorrow night it's our work's Christmas party so we're all going to have some nice food and a really good time! (I'll post some pictures Monday night after work.) Going to try to not drink much though because I've got work 9-5 the next day so don't want to be ill!

As I missed my TGIF on Friday I'll do a TGIS instead! This week I am thankful more than anything for my hot water bottle Liam bought me for Christmas last year. It snowed this week and has been between minus 6 and minus 14 in Manchester this week so it has kept me toasty warm in bed through these super cold nights! Plus the heater in my bedroom is broken so it's been extra cold! 

Hope your weekend is marvy fab xo


  1. Have to say Chick bit disappointed that you were not saying Thank goodness it's Saturday as Mummy is back in England!!!
    Off to work again today. Started the little silver Micra up and she went first time. We will try and drive to work today even though it is a bit crisp outside. Next door neighbour drove off earlier so I guess it should be alright.
    Have a lovely meal tonight and hope that heater gets repaired soon in your bedroom, especially as Dwane will feel the cold next wk!!!
    Mummy xx

  2. Got lots of hours to work this week so hope I have the energy for everything that you have planned for our weekend visit darling.
    Looked at the Elf yourself emails. are they the same photo's as last year as my double chin is still very obvious!
    I think I should try and have a little nap as have had a long shift at work and have a lovely evening planned at Thruxton so want to be able to be on top form not snoozing in the corner. Lynne Macey texted to say she got my postcard, she sends her love to you as I told her about our planned visit. Invited her and hubby around for lunch in new year, so would be lovely if you were here too as she always has a fond regard for you.
    Love Mum xx
