Thursday 6 September 2012

Fun In The Sun

So today I went for a picnic and a long walk in the countryside with my lovely best friend Rosie. We bought loads of (healthy) snacks - even though I did sneak a milky way into the basket - and took my picnic rug in my big Cath Kidston bag and off we went. We did a five mile walk (over a scary bridge - not ideal when your friend is terrified of heights!) But she was brave and we went over it twice. It was SUCH a beautiful day today and the sun shone down all afternoon. We did a bit of sunbathing and I will say I'm glad the kids are back at school because it was so peaceful and quiet. With the exception of a few old couples with their dogs, we were the only people there. 

We watched clouds for a bit and made lots of shapes out of them then had a deep and meaningful talk about places we want to go on holiday! Rosie even went cricket hunting - and she caught one - twice! I don't know how she does it. She's like Dr Doolittle haha! Anyway I'm back at home now and looking forward to my second day off tomorrow - I've got a riding lesson so let's hope this sun sticks around because I miss riding outside!

Monday 3 September 2012

My New Favourite Song!

She's done it again! T-Swizzle has written yet another song which speaks volumes! Really can't wait for her fourth album, 'Red' which is out in October! Check out her new single, 'We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together' HERE.

Birthday Plans!

Well after a stressful day (made stress free by an intensive gym workout) I'm onto planning my birthday weekend with my lovely friends. The hotel rooms are booked, the dress has been ordered and everyones excited! I haven't had a birthday night out for 2 years so it'll be great to spend it with my best friends! We're doing cocktails and dancing in Cheltenham. I can't wait! 

Had a bit of an ordeal with my dress actually, I spotted it a few weeks ago and INSTANTLY thought it'd be a perfect birthday girl dress teamed with wedges and wavy hair, plus its something I'll wear over and over but my size has been out of stock for 3 weeks! So I tweeted Topshop today and lo and behold! It's back in stock when I get home from work. It's like a birthday miracle! So I took it as a sign and ordered away, I just hope it looks as good as it does online!

Anyway I'm off to bed now, another busy day of work and gym tomorrow!

62 days...

...and counting!

Friday 31 August 2012

The Last Week...

...has been interesting to say the least! Last weekend was spent in the Mighty North frolicking about and pretending to be Kathy in Wuthering Heights, followed by a STRESSFUL week at work (and outside of work in all honesty.) 
Needless to say I have come out of it fighting and definitely with the upper hand. I've learned a lot about people and once more assured in the knowledge that I AM a good judge of character and should always follow my gut. Oh, and that my friends have proven to me once again, how fantastic, honest and beautiful they are. I truly treasure them. Best friends are worth their weight in gold. Got a birthday party to attend tomorrow night so will be looking forward to celebrating friendship and being free of a nasty situation.

Anyway, enough of that. Wanna see my photos I took whilst in the North?

Monday 27 August 2012


Trying out my first blog post from my phone...lets see if this works. Isn't technology awesome? Will do a proper post this week with my news from my trip north but for now its sleep time! xo

2 years on...

And I've gone from this... this!

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Curry Sunday!

So I PROMISE I'll do a proper post when I get back from my little bank holiday break away complete with photos and updates but because I am officially DRAINED from work (amongst other things) this week, here's a picture of me and Vicky at curry night on Sunday. It was super yummy, need to get my bum back down the gym some more though to make sure it doesn't go straight to my bum! In other news, how nice is my dress? I'm thoroughly enjoying it!

Sunday 5 August 2012

Cider & Ponies

So this weekend Karla came down to stay for the weekend and we had LOTS of fun. Most of the said fun was drinking cider and generally making idiots of ourselves but it was super duper nonetheless. We went out last night (Saturday) in a big group and laughed A LOT. Then today I had my riding lesson in the morning followed by a lazy Sunday of eating chocolate and painting by numbers. Whoever said painting by numbers was for kids was WRONG! I was at it for three hours and I'm still only half finished! No wonder my parents used to buy me them as a kid, it kept me silent for hours! Anyway I will do a proper post soon with reviews of some products I've been using but for now its BEDTIME. 

Be good!

F xx

Saturday 7 July 2012

Surprise BBQ and Tenerife

So a few weeks ago one of my best friends threw a surprise BBQ for her boyfriend before he left the country to go to Afghanistan. It actually turned into a bit of an impromptu night out which left me feeling a bit worse for wear at work the next day (eeek!) Luckily I was only doing a half day because I was going on holiday the next day. Woohoo!

And after that I jetted off to Tenerife for a week with my friend, but sadly it didn't turn out as we'd hoped. I'd been suffering with a sore throat a few days before and despite desperately trying to prevent it with various remedies to ward it off, I think it was just one of those things that had to take its course so I was unfortunately incredibly ill for the first five days of the holiday. It was an absolute downer and after trying to just suck it up and see it out, I ended up at the pharmacy at 1am with a course of antibiotics and a big box of asprin after noticing big white blobs on the back of my tonsils (ick.) BUT, the silver lining is I wasn't ill for the entire holiday, and I didn't let feeling like absolute death stop me from having fun (even though I definitely could have benefited from going to bed a bit earlier but never mind.)

We had lots of adventures, from riding the slides at Siam Park to watching the killer whale shows at Loro Parque and eating A LOT (mostly ice cream in my case because everything else was too painful.) Although I can't have eaten that much because I've actually lost another 2lbs. Woohoo! The gym definitely paid off because I felt healthy and all my clothes looked nice (even if I do say so myself.) 

So here are a few snaps from Tenerife... and the countdown for NYC in November has already begun! (And unfortunately, so has the detox.)

...I'm back!

Hello hello hello followers.

You'll be pleased to hear I have returned to the internet. I can't believe it's been three months since my last post. To be honest I haven't really felt like posting much, with so much going on in my life I think I went through a bit of a faze where I was too exhausted to do anything else on top of the billion other things going on in my brain. BUT, I'm back now and ready to be my hilarious, charming self. It's been a tough few months with lots of changes and realisations but I'm back to my regular self now...I think.

Hope you're looking forward to seeing what I've been getting up to!

Friday 20 April 2012

Peanut Butter Chocolately Goodness

So today I made some naughty treats courtesy of Bakerella. Peanut butter and choc chip brownies with peanut butter and melted galaxy frosting. Yummy yum! They are pretty delicious even if I do say so myself. And I worked extra hard at the gym this morning so I figured why not have a little treat :)

Tuesday 10 April 2012


Finally booked it! Roll on November 5th when me and my sister will be in NYC! So bloody excited.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Alton Towers!

So, Saturday night I decided to go to Alton Towers on a whim. YAY! Last few weeks have been a bit insania, will do a proper post soon but for now its BEDTIME.

Saturday 17 March 2012

Eurotrip 2012

Well I'm back from my trip! Had a fab time and it was great to spend some time with Karla after not seeing her for 4 months. We did LOTS of eating and drinking and some sightseeing too. We took a horse and carriage around Bruges, visited war cemeterys Frommel and Tyne Cot. Here are some pictures! Am joining the gym today so I can tone up for Tenerife and work off all the chocolate I've eaten over the past week. Eeek!